延續前一篇文章 14. Bard API (1) 所提到的問題,今天將著手解決問題。
panic 錯誤是從這一行開始 bard.go#L128
results := &Response{
Content: jsonChatData[0].([]interface{})[0].(string), // 這裡會發生問題
ConversationID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[0].(string),
ResponseID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[1].(string),
FactualityQueries: jsonChatData[3].([]interface{}),
TextQuery: jsonChatData[2].([]interface{})[0].([]interface{})[0].(string),
Choices: choices,
原因是轉型失敗,猜測是回傳格式更動且開源專案沒有維護所以不能使用。參考 utils.py#L226後修正方式如下
results := &Response{
Content: jsonChatData[4].([]interface{})[0].([]interface{})[1].([]interface{})[0].(string), // 修改這裡
ConversationID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[0].(string),
ResponseID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[1].(string),
// 暫時先註解,錯誤原因一樣,待釐清這個欄位的用途
// FactualityQueries: jsonChatData[3].([]interface{}),
// TextQuery: jsonChatData[2].([]interface{})[0].([]interface{})[0].(string),
Choices: choices,
go get
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
package main
import (
_ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
func main() {
bardApiKey := os.Getenv("BARD_API_KEY")
bot, err := NewChatbot(bardApiKey)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("new error")
resp, err := bot.Ask("明天是中秋節")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ask error")
package main
import (
type Chatbot struct {
ReqID int
SNlM0e string
ConversationID string
ResponseID string
ChoiceID string
Client *http.Client
Sessionid string
type Response struct {
Content string
ConversationID string
ResponseID string
FactualityQueries []interface{}
TextQuery string
Choices []Choice
type Choice struct {
ID string
Content string
const HOST = "bard.google.com"
const Origin_url = "https://" + HOST
const BASE_URL = "https://" + HOST + "/"
const ASK_URL = BASE_URL + "_/BardChatUi/data/assistant.lamda.BardFrontendService/StreamGenerate"
func getHeader() http.Header {
return http.Header{
"Host": []string{HOST},
"X-Same-Domain": []string{"1"},
"User-Agent": []string{"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36"},
"Content-Type": []string{"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"},
"Origin": []string{Origin_url},
"Referer": []string{BASE_URL},
// NewChatbot() function returns a chatbot client which can be used to ask questions.
func NewChatbot(sessionID string) (*Chatbot, error) {
client := &http.Client{
Timeout: 100 * time.Second,
client.Jar, _ = cookiejar.New(nil)
chatBot := &Chatbot{
ReqID: rand.Intn(100000),
SNlM0e: "",
ConversationID: "",
ResponseID: "",
ChoiceID: "",
Client: client,
Sessionid: sessionID,
sNlM0e, err := chatBot.getSNlM0e()
chatBot.SNlM0e = sNlM0e
return chatBot, err
func (chatBot *Chatbot) setCookie() {
url, _ := url.Parse(BASE_URL)
cookie := &http.Cookie{Name: "__Secure-1PSID", Value: chatBot.Sessionid}
chatBot.Client.Jar.SetCookies(url, []*http.Cookie{cookie})
func (c *Chatbot) getSNlM0e() (string, error) {
resp, err := c.Client.Get(BASE_URL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not get google bard")
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to read the response body: ", err)
return "", err
// Convert the response body to a string
bodyString := string(body)
re := regexp.MustCompile(`SNlM0e":"(.*?)"`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(bodyString)
if len(match) < 2 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Init failed, SNlM0e not found")
return match[1], nil
// Ask() function takes the message string and returns Bard response of type bard.Response
func (c *Chatbot) Ask(message string) (*Response, error) {
params := url.Values{
"bl": {"boq_assistant-bard-web-server_20230514.20_p0"},
"_reqid": {fmt.Sprintf("%d", c.ReqID)},
"rt": {"c"},
data := url.Values{
"f.req": []string{fmt.Sprintf(`[null,"[[\"%s\"], null, [\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"]]"]`, message, c.ConversationID, c.ResponseID, c.ChoiceID)},
"at": []string{c.SNlM0e},
url := ASK_URL + "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
req.Header = getHeader()
resp, err := c.Client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, _ = buf.ReadFrom(resp.Body)
respLines := strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n")
respJSON := respLines[3]
var jsonChatData []interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(json.RawMessage(respJSON), &jsonChatData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jsonChatData = jsonChatData[0].([]interface{})
jsonChat := jsonChatData[2].(string)
err = json.Unmarshal(json.RawMessage(jsonChat), &jsonChatData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
choices := make([]Choice, 3)
for i, item := range jsonChatData[4].([]interface{}) {
choices[i] = Choice{ID: item.([]interface{})[0].(string), Content: item.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{})[0].(string)}
results := &Response{
Content: jsonChatData[4].([]interface{})[0].([]interface{})[1].([]interface{})[0].(string),
ConversationID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[0].(string),
ResponseID: jsonChatData[1].([]interface{})[1].(string),
// FactualityQueries: jsonChatData[3].([]interface{}),
// TextQuery: jsonChatData[2].([]interface{})[0].([]interface{})[0].(string),
Choices: choices,
c.ConversationID = results.ConversationID
c.ResponseID = results.ResponseID
c.ChoiceID = results.Choices[0].ID
c.ReqID += 100000
return results, nil